About Me
I am a mom to two boys who at times were my often willing subjects when they were younger. My heart aches for the days gone by and is filled with anticipation and hope for their future. Those that know me, know I am a girlie girl to my core who was blessed with two boys. No tea parties and dress up (unless it was as a fireman) for me. It's funny how life works. As a little girl, I loved dance and my barbies - but I also loved catching frogs and salamanders. Which is why some of you may notice for awhile there we had two red eyed tree frogs. Down side, they don't (and shouldn't) be handled too much. So, we captured some amazing moments with them in the years they were with us and as beautiful as they are we did not replace them <insert sad face>. But I'd be lying if I didn't say, when I'm out walking and I hear a frog, my heart swells and I have a desire to find the frog. Still hoping there is a boy or girl that stumbles across my photography journey that wants a photo shoot by a pond hunting for frogs put her in a princess dress and I just might never leave!
It has taken me years to get to this place in my journey. For the longest time, I took photos for friends and myself. I only recently decided that I had the time to devote to my passion and extend myself to 'the world'. My oldest is at Central Washington and my youngest is a Senior in high school this year. It was time to expand my circle to capture the memories for you that I know you will treasure so much. My goal is to create an image that when you look at it – you are transported back to
that time and feeling of days that seem to pass all too fast. I thought I would always remember my little boys’ roly-poly thighs and triple chins, but when I look at their portraits from that time I can literally ‘feel’ them.
For a long time I struggled with how to bring these memories to you. Many have asked for digital images. I fought it. I know how many drives and discs I have sitting around and how much I value what I have on the walls. I didn't want to just hand over a usb drive. I really want you to have pieces you walk past and smile. So, although I did change my pricing to include the digitals I have also put a lot of time and effort sourcing the absolute highest quality and best heirloom pieces for you to pass down from generation to generation. I am super excited about these items and can't wait to show them to you. Once you touch and feel them, you will become as excited as I am about them. They are truly pieces of art and I am proud to offer them. Your usb can be placed in to the safety deposit box for safe keeping because your true treasures will be on the wall or displayed in a gorgeous folio box to change out images as the seasons and your mood dictates. When you walk past your gallery wall, the silence of an empty nest will be filled with the moment that you are gazing at.
So, how much does it cost? Please click on the 'Contact Me' page and let's figure out a plan that you can work with. My average clients spend between $500 to $5,000. So, as you can see, there is something for everyone. Best of all, I have payment plans so you can make whatever your dream is, a reality.
~ Erin