WHAT? Senior year already?!?! That was where my head was at with my own seniors!
Where did the time go? I can't answer that but I can help you stop it (at least capture it to look back on in years to come).
I love trying creative things, which is great for some seniors, others not so much. Chat with your senior and get a feel for what they are thinking. If they have Instagram, have them share photos they like, paying attention to the time of year (if it's flowers when those might be in bloom) or if there seems to be a common theme about them the city or more rural.
This is a very special time that may feel like checking items off a busy "Senior Year To-Do List" but in years to come will be invaluable in capturing this fleeting moment in time. I even find myself cherishing the makeshift Mother's Tea photo (on the right) with my grown son on my lap to this day. The year flies by and I hope to stop time for just a moment for you, to have forever.